Monday, April 11, 2011

The kind of Mom who...

I want to be the kind of mom who can sit and blog about her warm cup of coffee and how many hours she will get to craft that day.  I am INSANELY jealous of mom's who get to do this, and whose children, I assume, sit for hours coloring and doing other creative and mind stimulating projects while they get to address their own inner needs.  And then they put on their aprons and make a ham and a cake for dinner every night, bathe the kids, then sit and darn socks while their husbands smoke a pipe and read the paper.

It will happen soon is not going to happen.

Right now I am about two loads behind in dishes, a week behind in mail, 7 loads behind in laundry, and about 2 inches behind in dust.  My arts and crafts projects consist of removing stickers from the wall and bedroom doors, and I keep in shape by kicking toys across the living room and doing squats to pick up left-over socks and cheerios.  Dinner for the kids most nights is some version of pasta (with orange powdered cheese or butter).  Jim and I attempt to eat a healthy dinner after Austin has gone to bed and we have bribed with girls with a TV show so they sit quietly for 15 minutes.  I want to be a gardener, and I pray for the new hydrangeas that I purchased hoping to beautify my back yard because I know that I will forget to water them and they will die.

But you know kids go to bed every night (almost every night) peacefully.  Because they know they are safe.  And they know they are loved.  And because they know that they are the best things that I have ever grown. 

The End.


Kelly Bichkoff said...

Hahahahahahaha! Megan, you just made my day. Nuff said.

TheITDad said...

I think you left out a few things. you failed to mention sweep the tumble weed sized fur balls from the floor on a daily basis, and mop the carpet-like layer of dirt and filth that seems to be growing on its own. Oh yeah, summer is coming so don't forget, mow the lawn, brush the dogs, wash the cars, go to soccer, and go to 'Karate' Taekwondo, put away the chalk, put away the bikes, cover the sandbox.
I don't see where sleep or enjoyment fits into the above outlined Saturday. Yeah, this is one day.
Consider this BIRTH CONTROL for all you childless people out there!

Crabby Apple Seed: said...

I think some kids are crafty/activity-type kids, and some are just NOT. Grace is still too little for crafts and structured activities, but I can tell you right now that she falls under "not".

And seriously, I can't think of very many times that I've sighed heavily and thought, "I wish my mother had arranged elaborate arts and crafts projects for me to do on rainy days." mostly because the fact that they made me do the stupid crap at Brownies was bad enough.