Sunday, June 12, 2011

A for Effort...

Have we talked before about how I am not a baker?  I try to be, I want to be a baker, but I am more of a project manager when it comes to baking.  I have great ideas, I know how to rally the troops and get people excited about the project, but I am not the best when it comes to the actual project.

I don't have many memories from being little, but I do remember my Grandma Szwedo making beautiful Barbie cakes for birthdays.  You know, the ones with the big cake skirts and the half Barbie on top?  And this year the girls are into Barbies big time.  And, being a little nostalgic and missing my Grandma, I thought that I would attempt to make two barbie cakes.  One pink, one purple.  So, off to Michael's this morning to get half dolls and coloring for the cakes, then to my Mom's to get the pans.  I have now sent the girls off with Jim, put Austin to sleep, and have made a cake recipe that a friend raved about

Ann Boyd's Best Yellow Cake Ever

I have put some mix into a tube pan, and some into a half ball pan in the hopes of getting just the dress shape that I want.  However, I did something wrong with the tube pan (it has a removable base) and some of the cake mix has dripped onto the bottom of the oven.  That means a delightful burning smell is wafting through my kitchen.  Awesome. 15 more minutes to bake, and we will see what comes of it...I promise to post pictures!

And the results...(sigh) Pretty sure Grandma's cakes didn't look like this...

1 comment:

TheITDad said...

Looks like that cake is screaming for a filling... Hmmm, Cherry! That way when you cut into it it will look like she is bleeding. Now that is how you make memories!