Monday, April 2, 2012

Sisterly Love

There are times where Lilli and Abbi do not get along.  At all.  I mean like black and white.  Sweet and Sour.  USA and Afghanistan.  It makes me (somewhat) regret that they were born 363 days apart. 

And then there are those brief moments of pure bliss and happiness.  Segments of time when they happily play for hours, when they take turns, when you can hear little bits of "It's your turn to have the crown first."  It makes my heart melt.

Abigail can play independent.  She disappears into her world of make-believe with long stories about her dolls and horses and fairies that fly in and save the day.  Lilli needs demands almost constant one on one attention.  She wants you to sit there, not necessarily to interact, just to be present.

I often wonder how close they will be to each other as they get older.  They have never gone to a school apart from the other one since Abigail was born.  They are even in the same Sunday School class.  There are days that Lilli still holds Abbi's hand as they walk into St. Emily's.  The big sister.  The protector.  The one who is most likely to turn around and bop her on the head if she doesn't agree.

It's an interesting journey, one that keeps me on my toes, one that makes me appreciate the moments like the one below....just two best friends, two sisters, together forever....

1 comment:

Vonnluv said...

Keep a watchful eye on the journey. Sadly I feel like my mom didn't do enough watching to make sure we would be close.....and we are not.