We have a paci-problem in our home....and it's time to kick it. Austin is addicted... I mean co-dependent... I mean completely reliant on his paci. Or, as you can see from above, several pacis. I count 12 that I know of, but could only locate 9 for their photo-op. I know that some of you might be mortified that my 2 1/2 year old still totes this luxury, but hey, he is my last baby and I am letting him do everything a little slower than the girls. The girls at this age where also in toddler beds where he is still in his crib, and they were both at least in pull-ups where Austin is still figuring out how to sit on his potty.
So after picking Austin up from daycare today, I tried to have a conversation with him about the Paci Fairy and about how she was going to come and take Austin's paci's to the babies who do not have any. And he took the paci out of his mouth to say, "Uh-Uh, pacis go to Santa Claus". Ummm....Santa? In March? So, I then asked if we could give them to the Easter Bunny who could pass them along to Santa. Out popped the paci again long enough to say "Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer". Oh, he is really going to make this tough on me. See, we can't drag this habit out until Christmas this year because Austin will be starting at St. Emily's in August with the girls, and I am pretty sure the 3's room does not allow for pacis. So, with a big sigh and some thought, I am gonna have to figure out how Rudolph and Santa are coming for a mid-year visit to claim the pacis....but until then, I am more than content letting him go to sleep with one in his mouth, and one in each hand.....
Judge away, Judgey McJudergson, but
Could you really take a paci away from that face?