Thursday, April 21, 2011

Mommy Guilt 101

Today is the day!  It's THE day!  IT'S THE DAY!  It's the end of Lent at sundown, which means I get to log back into Facebook.  But do I really want to?   Ummm...yeah....I will be there.

I have looked forward to today for a while, not just because of connecting with Facebook after 40 + days, but because it was the PreSchool Easter Party, and I got to be a Helper Mom.  The girls have been waiting ALL year for me to come.  Every party they asked if it was my turn.  So, today it was!  And I can say with all confidence that I made the right decision by NOT becoming a preschool teacher.  32 adorable, energy-filled, over-excited 3 and 4 year olds for 2 hours...and I am ready for a nap (or a drink)!  I made sure to point out to the teachers that they are SAINTS for what they do every day.  SAINTS.  Send a note to the Pope and start the process.

So, after games, coloring, arts and crafts, snacks, and an Easter Egg Hunt, I had to leave for work.  Abigail hesitated for 2.2 seconds before kissing my hand (she didn't want to wait for me to bend over to give her a real kiss) and then running back to the playground.  Lilli, however, well, she is my first baby.  And she was none too happy to have her mommy leave.  None. To. Happy.  I enlisted the teaching assistant to help pry her from my arms and legs, and as I walked out of the room, shoulders slumped and feeling like the WORST MOM EVER, she cried and shrieked.  Like I was ripping her heart out.  (don't worry, Lillish, mine was ripped out, too.)  Insert hours and hours of Mommy-guilt.  I have to work.  Jim and I, both working, have created a (mostly) comfortable life-style for our kids.  They don't get everything they want, but the get everything they need and then some.  They have clean clothes (and enough to clothe a small village).  They have nice toys.  They have food and shelter and heat.  And lots and lots and lots of Mommy's love.  But to keep us at that level we have to work.  She hasn't thrown a fit like that in months, so I am trying to tell myself that she was just overstimulated and that she stopped crying right after I left.  But as I sat at my office desk, I almost wanted to cry.  I wanted to be with my baby.  All of them.  Ok, maybe all of them, but not all at the same time....that's a lot of kid. 

I have nothing else funny to say....just feeling the Mommy guilt....

But did I mention that I get to go on Facebook tonight?


TheITDad said...

Don't do it! The withdrawls have subsided, stand strong and resist with all your might.

Don't become another Facebook statistic.

Unknown said...

To make your Mom guilt feel better, I was just on a trip to Vegas (which you would know if you were on FB). I waited until the last possible moment on the plane to call K to let her know that I would be home that evening to see her. Plane pulled away from the gate, got ready for take-off then waited, waited, waited... finally an announcement that we are being delayed another 1.5 hours..... back to the gate (but not allowed off the plane), called K to explain and had my heart ripped out by the cries when I told her that I wouldn't see her until tomorrow. Pretty sure I win WORST MOM EVER award so go easy on yourself.

Megan M said...

I will do it...because I miss my friends...and I am still sitting at work at 9:30 when I am supposed to be home by 8....I am there with you!